Follow Me on Pinterest EVERYONE KNOWS IT'S WENDY: January 2012 Follow Me on Pinterest

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Whats Been Going On With Me

Well I know I haven't blogged for a while. I know I said that I would try to blog nightly or weekly. Well it looks like I'm just gonna blog when I feel like it. LOL
Here is what has been going on with me.
I am babysitting for my cousins 3 boys. Ages: 7,6, & 2. And also a friend of mines son once a week. He is 3.
Rosie is doing real good.
I started doing Duct Tape Crafts. I have already made 2 womens wallets, 3 bi-fold wallets, & a Captain America wallet. I am also going to make 2 Hello Kitty purses for my nieces. If you are interested in ordering any Duct Tape Craft, let me know. I will be posting pics of what I have already made & what I make.
I am a Pinterest addict! It is so fun to find crafts, DIY, & a whole lot of things. I have made an Infinity Scarf that I seen on there. I am also going to try some other things.
Well I guess that is it for know. Have A Blessed Day! <3

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

I'm gonna try to write a blog each nite or at least once a week. If there is anything you would like to know about me/would like me to talk about, or you have question for me, just leave me a comment and I will try my best to answer it.

This morning I took my Aunt & cousin to work. Finished washing all my dishes. Watched a couple of movies and went and picked up my Uncle from work. Now I am just kicking back and relaxing. I think I might go play with my cricut & work on some scrapbooking.

I have been trying to potty train my puppy. So far it is going ok. I have learned that once she wakes up from her nap that I need to take her out right away. I really don't like to though because she is so tiny and she gets cold fast. I don't want her to get sick. I have been trying to teach her to go potty on the puppy pads. She does every once in a while. When she does go potty outside or on the puppy pads I give her a treat. She is very playful and likes to chew on anything she can get her teeth on. My cousin suggested I rub dish soap on the things she likes to chew on that I don't want her chewing on. I have tried it and it seems to be working.

Have A Blessed evening! <3


Hi! My name is Wendy (if you haven't already figured it out). I am a mother of 2 boys Devron & Christopher and a puppy, Rosie.  I have 3 sisters, 2 brother-in-laws, 5 nephews, & 4 nieces. I grew up & still live in Indiana. I like scrapbooking, swimming, bicycling, watching movies, spending time with family, traveling, camping, fishing, & dancing. I am in a relationship with Jesus Christ. With God ALL things are possible! Matthew 19:26
Christopher, Wendy, & Devron